I understand some girls may feel the need to be viewed in this way for whatever reason. But let's think about it logically. I've heard of this being such an issue, that some people won't go to the bathroom when they need to because of embarrassment. Then, they become constipated and their system gets backed up because our minds are connected to our bodies. We are mentally blocking a natural bodily function.
When you say you don't poop, you are literally full of crap! Not only are you blocking your body from excreting unusable waste, but you're also lying and everyone knows it because of course, every living thing must relieve their bowels.
This is psychologically unhealthy and also terrible for your health and beauty. I talk a lot about my Beauty Detox lifestyle on this blog, and this topic ties into that. Kimberly Snyder, C.N. and author of the Beauty Detox books often discusses how important continual cleansing is. Our bodies have many ways of detoxifying itself and pooping is an essential part of these processes. In her book, The Beauty Detox Foods, she says "Constipation hold toxins in the body and is incredibly aging."
I'm not saying you should be announcing it to the world. But try not to have such a negative view on pooping. Instead, think of it as getting rid of old waste that your body cannot use. You will have more energy, a cleaner system, and clearer skin.
For more information, check out Kimberly's blog post, Detoxify Your Body And Remove Waste Naturally. As she says in the post, "The state of your digestion affects everything else in your body." Give this new way of thinking a try and see how much better you can feel!
Will farts be your next topic?