If you've been following me on this blog at all, you know I'm all about organizing, cleaning, and living a minimalist lifestyle. Today I want to share with you the main reasons why you shouldn't give in to buying popular items you feel like you "just have to have". Specifically, I'm talking about quilted purses, beanie babies, and anything that gets really popular and creates a need to collect.
Remember when the Vera Bradley and other quilted purses were everywhere? Now I only see them in second hand stores where they're sold for dirt cheap. In the 90's I remember begging my parents to go to McDonald's (I shutter to think about what I ate back then!) so I could collect all the beanie babies because my sister and I thought we needed all of them.
The point is, just because something is super popular in the moment, doesn't mean you have to jump on the bandwagon. Wait it out and you won't miss out on anything but hassle. Below are the top 5 reasons you should avoid falling for the fad trap.
1. They Don't Last
This world is full of fleeting things that don't mean anything. If you're trying to collect something just because everyone else is doing it, you've fallen for the fad trap. Sure, it feels good in the moment, but in a few years the craze will disappear and you'll be stuck with a pile of junk.
2. They're a Waste of Money
Some of these items are extremely expensive. Once the fad dies out, you've wasted a lot of hard earned money on something you don't even use anymore.
3. They Create Clutter
Once you've collected all these items, where are you going to store them? They'll most likely end up in a closet collecting dust. One of the best ways to make your life easier and simpler is to get rid of clutter you don't need and I'd bet those collector's items you got a few years ago would be a good place to start.
4. They're a Hassle to Get Rid of
Once you've decided to ditch the outdated items, what do you do with them? There's no longer a demand for them so you're lucky to sell them at a garage sale for next to nothing. At least you can feel good about donating them and maybe they'll go to someone in need.
5. They Distract You From the Important Things in Life
I'm not saying all material items are bad and you should get rid of all your possessions. You can still enjoy hobbies and things you love. But make sure it's something true to yourself. Maybe instead of spending money on a fad item, buy a friend lunch.
The very definition of a fad is "an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object's qualities; a craze". Instead of giving in, spend your time and money on your loved ones and things that really matter. You'll feel lighter and happier knowing you've made the best decision for you and your family.