Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Pierce the Veil's Misadventures Album Review

I've been a fan of Pierce the Veil since A Flair for the Dramatic came out in 2007.  Now, almost ten years later, they're one of my favorite bands.  Every record they release is better than the last and none of the songs are throwaways.  It's obvious they spent a lot of time working on Misadventures, their latest album that came out in May of 2016.

Misadventures is a masterpiece in my opinion because it takes everything I've loved about PTV's sound and made it even catchier, more emotional, and more powerful.  My husband and I pre-ordered the vinyl without hearing any of the songs because we knew to expect greatness from this band, and they did not disappoint.

I love every song on this album, but my favorites are "Floral & Fading", "Circles", and "Today I Saw the Whole World".  I think "Floral & Fading" is the most unique song they've ever written.  It gets me every time I listen to it and it's always in my head.

Last year, I was thrilled to see PTV perform on Conan.  It's rare these kinds of bands get the recognition they deserve.  I remember watching them perform "Circles" and thinking this was the perfect song to play off the new album because it's catchy, there is a lack of screaming, and the subject matter is relevant.  "Circles" is about the Paris attacks, a current event we all remembered.

I have to mention the genius of Vic Fuentes' lyrics.  I've always felt such an emotional connection to his poetic words on every album.  He has a way of making lyrics sound so romantic and powerful.  Some of my favorite lines include "You say you wanna chase the moon like fire, well, together we can fake our own death here..." from "Floral & Fading", "Crashing once again into the center of your moonlit face..." from "Texas is Forever", and  "your undressed spine.." and "My heart is on a pendulum tonight..." from "Today I Saw the Whole World".  

For me to really love a band, I have to love the singer's voice.  Vic's voice is so dynamic and his performances always bring the unique intensity that makes this band so special.

Overall, I would give Misadventures 5 out of 5 stars.  I really think the album is perfect and wouldn't change a thing about it.  I enjoy music that you can tell the artists have put their hearts and souls into.  I believe every member of Pierce the Veil does just that when they write.  Please check out this album if you haven't already!


  1. تأسيس الشركات في دبي فريق عمل محترف على أتم الاستعداد لمساعدتك في تأسيس أعمالك التجارية بدبى وبفضل خدماتها المتكاملة، يمكنك تأسيس شركتك بكل سهولة
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  4. عسل النحل يحتوي على مجموعة كبيرة من الفوائد الصحية، فهو يعزز مناعة الجسم بفضل خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا والأكسدة، ويدعم الهضم بفضل إنزيماته الطبيعية.
