Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Easiest Way to Clean Your Phone

I don't know about most people, but I'm very conscious of washing my hands.  Touching money is the worst for me because I know it's something many different people have touched.  I immediately wash my hands after handling money.  

An object most people are always touching is obviously their cell phones.  We take them with us to the bathroom, in the car, when we're shopping, just about everywhere.  They're inevitably full of germs at any given time.  Have you ever stopped to think maybe you should clean it?

I'll admit I didn't come up with this idea on my own.  My mom works at an antique mall and handles money all day while also touching her phone.  She shared with me the fastest, easiest, and safest way to clean your phone.  It only takes about a minute and because of the simple cleaning ingredient used, it won't damage your phone.

All you need is some rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad.  Dab a the cotton pad with a little alcohol and rub it all over your phone.  That's it!  The alcohol kills germs and dries in seconds.  My mom does this every night after a long day at work.  I wash mine about once a week.  

Maybe this sounds like something only a germophobe would do, but it's worth the short minute.  This practice will make your life healthier, cleaner, and you could even prevent yourself from getting sick!

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