Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Fall Review

I'm so conflicted about the final episode of the revival because it includes some of my favorite scenes and scenes I absolutely hated.  It opens with Lorelai in a motel trying to fit all her supplies into her pack for the big hike.  This is an example of a very funny part that didn't last too long.

Throughout the beginning of this episode, Rory keeps seeing strange signs about something coming.  I found this very out of place for the show.  The old people at the Gazette continued to be hilarious and I wish we got more of them. 

Jess shows up at Luke's and it got my hopes up we might get more of him in this episode.  We do, but it's still not enough!  He tries to help Luke think through what's going on with Lorelai.  He seems to be a better therapist than the lady Emily and Lorelai were seeing.  I also loved the part where he rips out the WiFi.

The dreamlike Life and Death Brigade scenes with Rory, Logan, and Logan's friends were the worst part of the revival.  This is what all those signs were leading up to at the start of the episode, and it's even more out of place.  This show is founded in realism and these scenes felt like a fantasy.  I really didn't understand why so much time was wasted here.  While watching it, all I could think was how I wished they had used this time to build Jess and Rory's relationship.

Logan showing up and whisking Rory away while he has a fiancee at home is so selfish.  Especially when we consider these people are in their 30's.  The way they're acting is immature and annoying.  Rory and Logan don't seem to be in love.  They just want to do what feels good and have fun, not caring who they hurt in the process.  They end up staying at a small Inn, and of course Rory and Logan spend the night together.

The next morning Rory is sadly peering out of a bedroom window.  It feels like she really is saying goodbye to Logan, but I don't feel bad for her.  I also thought her goodbye with Logan's friends was weird because they all seemed too clingy for what we saw in the original show.  I don't remember them all being such good friends.  And I have to say, it drove me crazy when they were touching the steak without washing their hands!

Now we can get to the better parts of Fall.  Lorelai ends up not being able to hike because she can't find her permit.  She finds her own private spot with a breathtaking view of trees and mountains.  It only takes a few moments for her to realize what she needs to do.  The phone call to her mom was so well acted by both women.  The story Lorelai shares about her father was very touching and it made up for her drunken speech in Winter.

She abandons her pack and we get that energetic music from the original show when something big is about to go down.  She goes home to Luke and it's clear she's excited to talk to him.  He's surprised she's home early and before she can speak, he delivers an amazing speech about how much he loves her, how he would do anything for her, and she shouldn't leave him.  Then, Lorelai proposes again.  I loved this scene because it was electrified with passion and we get to hear them say all the things they should have said years ago.  Luke gives her a ring and the wedding is set.

The best Rory scene of the whole revival is when she goes to her grandparent's mansion and relives scenes from the original show.  It was very emotional to see those past scenes with Richard.  She begins writing her book at Richard's desk, which I thought was very fitting.

My favorite Michele scene comes when he and Lorelai are interviewing people to replace him.  He's his usual grumpy self and it's clear he won't be impressed with anyone.  His best line is when he says to one of the girls "Your name is Molly.  Why?"  I laughed out loud.

Rory comes home and we see her first interaction with her mom since they had the fight about her book.  They are both quiet at first but warm up to each other over junk food.  They talk excitedly about wedding plans and Rory asks her mom to read the first 3 chapters of the book, promising if it's too invasive, she won't finish it.

Emily's disruption at the DAR meeting was so fun to watch.  This show is famous for showing stereotypical rich white women being awful and Emily finally stands up to them and says what we all think of their ridiculous antics.  She's kicked out and walks happily away from that part of her life.

It wouldn't be complete to show wedding planning without an appearance from Miss Celine.  I also enjoyed Luke and Lorelai getting excited about the wedding because it feels like they are both fully committed and there's no trace of impending doom.

Rory goes to see her dad in a particularly sad scene.  She tells him about the book and asks him how he felt about Lorelai raising her alone.  He seems regretful, but says knows that's how it was meant to be.  This scene reveals to be even more significant once we get to the final four words.

Lorelai visits Emily and finds out she is selling the house and moving to Nantucket.  It's understandable she would want to get away since the mansion no longer feels like home without Richard there.  I loved the way many things get resolved in this scene because there are so many loose ends that don't get tied up in this revival.  Lorelai wants to expand her Inn and Luke has no interest in franchising the diner.  She asks her mom if they can use the diner money for the Inn instead.  Emily is surprisingly agreeable, but of course, it comes with a deal about her and Luke coming to visit in Nantucket several times a year.  The theme of the circle of life comes up again and there's a rare moment where Emily and Lorelai simply enjoy each other's company.

Jared Padelecki's short scene with Rory was perfect.  We find out Dean is happily married with kids and even though he and Rory reminisce a little, there's no romantic tension.

Melissa McCarthy's cameo was of course hilarious and her cakes, with the exception of the milestone cake, were gorgeous.  Her interaction with Michele was funny too.

Emily's story line has a satisfying ending because she is so content.  She's teaching at a whaling museum in Nantucket and it was funny seeing her scaring the tourists when talking about how the whales are killed.  I also enjoyed the idea that she kept the same maid and has  embraced her family, giving them jobs and shelter.  This shows a lot of personal growth and by the end, she's a completely different person for the better.

Lorelai gives Rory the first three chapters back and without reading it, gives her the okay to finish it.  Her one suggestion is to change the name from "The Gilmore Girls" to just "Gilmore Girls" in a cheesy nod to the fans.

I really enjoyed the dynamic Luke and Jess have in this revival.  We get one more Jess scene when Luke is modeling his suit for the wedding.  Jess tells Luke he's over Rory but then looks longingly through the window at her.  Honestly, I'm torn because I really liked this scene and what it could mean, but at the same time, I feel like Jess is too good for Rory now.  She needs to grow up before entering into a real relationship.

The night before the wedding, Luke and Lorelai are discussing how they will feel relieved once they're finally married.  They grab Rory and have a secret night wedding.

Kirk has decorated the town square in lights and we get a gorgeous montage of Luke, Lorelai, and Rory discovering different parts of the set up while "Reflecting Light" plays.  I was happy with the wedding even though we didn't get to see the actual day with everyone there.  It was very fitting for this couple.  The only thing I didn't like was how it seemed to focus on Lorelai and Luke was in the background.

The final scene of the revival occurs where it began.  The girls are sitting on the gazebo the morning after the wedding.  Rory receives a break up text from Paul and it reminds us how terrible she is to have still not broken up with him.  We then get the final four words.  "Mom?" "Yeah." "I'm pregnant."  The first time I watched it, I was caught off guard when it ended.  I instantly felt like there had to be more episodes, because it can't possibly end there.  This also makes the scene with Christopher much more meaningful because Rory is trying to decided whether or not to tell Logan.

This revival had some very satisfying moments and some very disappointing moments.  Overall, I'm happy they made it and with the exception of Rory's story line, I'm very happy with how everything turned out.  I still feel like there is still a lot to explore in this world and would not be surprised if they made more.  

Let me know what you thought of the Gilmore Girls revival and check out my reviews for Winter, Spring, and Summer!

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