Sunday, August 7, 2016

5 Reasons to Begin an At Home Yoga Practice

When I was growing up, things like yoga and meditation were thought to be foreign and possibly even dangerous.  I grew up in a Christian home and because the origins of this form of exercise were from an unfamiliar part of the world, it was something we never even considered trying.  I was surprised when my mom started attending yoga classes in 2012, because it was so uncharacteristic of her to try something so different.  She had good things to say about it and I was curious, but not enough to try it myself.  I was focused on cardio work outs and saw yoga as boring because it wasn't fast paced.  Then, in 2014 my sister introduced my mom to a YouTube channel called Yoga With Adriene.  My mom started doing the videos at home instead of going to classes because of the convenience and ability to save money.  Once I saw what it was all about, I decided to give it a try last year in 2015, and I'm so glad I did.  Once I stopped being skeptical and let go of my unwarranted preconceptions of this practice, I began to feel the benefits myself.  Below are the results I have felt in my own body, as well as things my mom and my husband have said about their experiences with yoga.

#1: Yoga is Healing to Everyday Aches and Pains

I'm very thankful I found yoga at a young age.  I was 25 when I started my practice.  My mom started because she was experiencing miscellaneous soreness and yoga was suggested to help alleviate the pain.  Now she says if she does yoga everyday, her body doesn't ache, but if she's unable to practice, the aches come back.  She specifically used the word therapeutic to describe her experience with yoga.  Since I've experienced such positive results, I encouraged my husband to try it with me, and now we practice together.  He does a lot of manual labor for his job so he enjoys doing yoga to relieve soreness.

#2: Yoga Builds Strength Without Strain

One of my favorite benefits of yoga is how it builds strength by using your own body weight.  It's also vastly different from the straining I felt when doing other activities, such as running.  Before my mom started doing yoga, she was unable to lift a pack of water bottles.  Since starting her practice, she says she has no problem lifting them into her trunk.  This is a small example of the big things that can happen in your body when you start doing yoga.  It's also a great way to improve flexibility, as there are many stretches involved that feel amazing.

#3: Yoga on Your Terms

One of the main things I love about my at home yoga practice is the privacy.  I'm able to learn the poses at my own pace and focus on improving without distractions.  I've even surprised myself with how much I'm able to do already and there are easy modifications you can apply if you're not quite ready for the full pose yet.  It's so convenient for me to go to YouTube and pull up any video I want for how I feel that day.  There are videos for beginners, morning routines, bedtime routines, long videos, short videos, and practices for certain health issues or goals.  I recently completed a 30 day series called Yoga Camp, which I highly recommend. 

#4: Yoga Helps You Start Your Day Right

I can always tell a difference between how my day goes depending on whether I started with yoga or not.  The days I get up early and start with a yoga practice I feel energized, motivated, and focused.  I'm able to make healthier decisions because I've set a healthy tone for my whole day.  I feel balanced and my mind feels clearer.  There is definitely a correlation between a calm mind and strong body when practicing yoga.

#5 Yoga Is Unique

I believe yoga is unique compared to other forms of exercise because of the focus on breathing.  When I'm in the middle of a tough flow, my mind starts to wander and I feel like giving up.  But then I'm instantly reminded to focus on inhaling and exhaling.  The simple act of focusing on the breath allows me to get through the pose, therefore building strength.  Breathing is key and distracts me from the discomfort I might be feeling in my muscles.  I believe yoga is one of the most healthy forms of exercise because it focuses on the mind and the body at the same time.

I would recommend that everyone try yoga at least once.  You may fall in love with it like I have.  In this world, we are always on the go and yoga gives us the opportunity to slow down and take care of ourselves.

If you've been hesitant to try it because you're worried it's dangerous, I can assure you there is nothing to fear.  You can customize the mantras and thoughts for your own beliefs.  During the moments when I'm going inward and focusing on something positive, I always give thanks to God.  

Here is a link to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube Channel.  Check it out and find what feels good!

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