Thursday, September 15, 2016

Why School Uniforms Should Be Banned

Me and my sister on the first days of school.  On the left we're wearing uniforms and fake smiles (her in K, me in 4th).  On the right we are happily wearing what we picked out (her in 1st, me in 5th).  I remember I loved that outfit.
This post is all my opinion.  If you like school uniforms, we can agree to disagree.  When I was in 4th grade, my school decided to implement school uniforms.  It was a public school and they gave parents the option to opt their children out.  My mom was pretty cool and she didn't like the idea of uniforms, but she told us to at least give it a try.

That year we went school shopping like we always did, but the fun was sucked out of the experience because we could only buy specific articles of clothing in navy blue, white, or khaki.  Not only were the uniforms uncomfortable, they were ugly.  My sister and I hated wearing them and every day when we came home from school, the first thing we did was change clothes.

My mom was on our side even more because she was having to do more laundry.  Other parents who liked the uniforms even got upset with her because she expressed her distaste for them.
The thing is, most people who are in favor of school uniforms aren't the ones who have to wear them.  Their argument is this is a way for everyone to be equal.  No one will be made fun of because they can't afford "trendy" clothes.  But these people live in a fantasy world.  Bullies will find something else to tease weaker kids about.  I know, because I was often the one being made fun of.  Plus, the "cool" kids still look good, while the awkward looking kids are now forced to look even more ridiculous.

School uniforms strip kids of their individuality.  This is a time where creativity should be encouraged, not suppressed.  Suppression doesn't work.  Emotions and opinions will come out, often in unhealthy ways.  When I have children, I will never make them wear school uniforms.
Thankfully, my mom saw how stupid this idea was and opted my sister and I out the following year.  Many other parents did the same and I remember 5th grade being particularly fun.  Our freedom was back and it was a beautiful thing.

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