Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Could Hair Products be Causing your Breakouts?

Today I'd like to discuss the correlation between hair products and breakouts.  Before I get into my experience, I just want to say I understand not everyone will experience the same symptoms I did.  Everyone's body is different, but I want to get this out there because if you are having similar issues, this might help.

I have tried everything I can to maintain a clear complexion.  I changed my diet, skin care routine, and started taking supplements to help with the acne I'd been battling since I was 13.  One of the most recent changes I made was to give up hair products.  It was a hard decision because I did like the results, but it has significantly helped improve my skin.

My previous routine was to wash my hair twice a week and when I straightened it, I would put a heat protectant throughout the length of my hair.  I would sleep with the product in my hair for several nights and noticed I was breaking out on my cheeks.  I finally made the connection when the rest of my skin cleared up.  I believe the products I was applying to my hair were transferring to my pillow, making nights a breeding ground for acne.

I ditched the hair products and noticed a huge improvement in the skin on my cheeks.  Now, I soak my hair in coconut oil once a week to keep it soft and healthy.  If you've noticed this area breaking out, you might look to the products you're applying to your hair.  Even if you wash your hair every day, the products could transfer to your face from your hair brushing up against your cheeks.

Many hair products on the market are full of chemicals you really don't want on your body anyway, which is another reason to give them up.  We want to do everything we can to lighten the toxic burden on our bodies so they can be more efficient at creating vibrant beauty.  A little research on the ingredients in your hair products wouldn't hurt.  I hope this helps you on your journey to clear skin!

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