Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What You Need to Know About Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

I first heard about using Apple Cider Vinegar on your face from a friend when I asked her why she had some in her bathroom.  She said she used it as a toner and loved it.  Since I'm always looking for healthy alternatives to traditional products, this idea intrigued me.
I did a little research and decided to try ACV, first as a face mask.  I dipped a cotton pad into some ACV, but I didn't dilute it much because I figured I needed it to be strong.  Big mistake!  I left it on for about ten minutes, then rinsed it off during a hot shower.  When I got out, my face felt like it was on fire and I looked like I had a severe sun burn where I had applied the ACV!

Thankfully, the burn didn't last more than an hour, but it freaked me out enough that I decided this beauty secret wasn't for me.  That was about a year ago.

About a month ago, I gave ACV another try since I ran out of the toner I had previously been using.  This time, I was careful with the proportions of ACV and water.  I mixed 3/4 cup of filtered water with 1/4 cup of ACV and placed it into a clean mason jar, making a toner.  I tested it on a small part of my face before using it all over and had no negative reaction.  For about a week, I used the toner twice a day.  I monitored the condition of my skin and began to realize it was becoming more dry than usual.  I did more research and discovered many people only use the toner a few times a week to prevent drying out the skin.

This made sense to me, so now, I only use it in the morning 3-4 days a week.  The vinegar smell is noticeable for a few seconds after application, but once it's dry the smell fades.  My new routine is to wash my face with Sally B's Skin Yummies Tamanu Luxury Facial Cleanser and then apply the ACV toner when needed.  I've only been doing this for about a month, but I'm really enjoying the results of smoother, clearer skin.

You can easily incorporate this practice into your weekly routine.  After washing your face, gently shake the toner so it mixes together.  Dip a cotton pad into the toner.  A little goes a long way.  Apply the toner all over your face a let it dry before you apply moisturizer and makeup.  That's it!

If you've been considering giving ACV a try, just remember to always dilute it!  Test a small amount on your skin to see how it reacts and you can also play around with the ratio of ACV to water to find the right amount for you.

Sometimes it's scary to try something new because you're afraid of how your body will react and you're familiar and comfortable with the products you're used to.  That's why it took me so long to change my routine, but I'm so glad I did.  Experimenting with new things is exciting, fun, and often beneficial.  I'd encourage you to give ACV toner a try.  You'll be balancing the pH of your skin, preventing breakouts, and reducing redness!

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