Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Amazing Physical Results of the Beauty Detox Lifestyle

If you follow this blog, you know I'm a huge promoter of the Beauty Detox Lifestyle.  I've been following Kimberly Snyder, C.N. since 2014 when I discovered her books.  I share this information as much as I can because it has had such profound and dramatic results in my body.  Today I'd like to share with you the specific benefits and results I've experienced from living this way.

No More Chicken Skin

I got married in 2012 and I remember seeing an ad in a bridal magazine about a cream you could apply if you had red bumps on your arms.  I considered looking into this product because I'd had these annoying tiny bumps on the back of my arms for as long as I could remember.  But things got crazy and I soon forgot about it.  In 2015, I gradually gave up dairy, and guess what happened?  Those red bumps disappeared!  I truly believe they were being caused from my poor diet, so when I cleaned it up, the bumps went away.

Less Body Odor

In another blog post, The Best Chemical Free Deodorant that Actually Works, I talked about when I was 8 years old and my mother asked the doctor why I had such a strong body odor.  He said it was simply a sign of puberty and I just had to live with it.  I didn't grow out of it and continued to smell, even when I used deodorant and antiperspirant (Which you should never use!  See that blog post for a healthy alternative!).  Since cutting out dairy and animal protein I have noticed the smell is no where near as bad as it used to be.

Reduced Oil on My Scalp and Face

From the time I was 13 and on, I would always wake up with an extremely oily face.  My scalp would also build up grease quite fast when I was washing it daily.  Now, I only wash it twice a week, so the oils have balanced out.  I also believe the Beauty Detox diet has decreased the amount of oil my body feels the need to produce.

Improved Complexion

This is the main reason I started Beauty Detox in the first place.  I was looking for a solution to my long time battle with acne.  My skin has drastically improved since I started this journey in January of 2015.  It is less ruddy, much smoother, and clearer.  A friend who I hadn't seen in a while even noticed my face looked brighter.  They said I used to have a gray undertone, but now my skin is glowing.  I would have never thought that was possible before.

Faster Healing

Something discussed in Kimberly's second book, The Beauty Detox Foods, is how our bodies will be able to heal faster if we're eating a clean and balanced diet.  I've noticed when I do get a blemish from stress, they heal practically overnight.  It used to take days for healing to occur, so I truly see this as a physical benefit.

Increased Energy

One of the main focuses of this lifestyle is eating foods in the right combinations for optimal digestion.  When you eat heavy foods like dairy and animal protein, and especially when you combine them with starch, your body has to put all it's energy into your gut in order to digest it.  That's why you often feel tired after eating.  But I feel good and energized after eating a properly combined Beauty Detox meal.  Yoga is promoted in this lifestyle as well and I've noticed I feel so much more energized when I'm practicing regularly.

Improved Digestion & Cleansing

This lifestyle promotes whole foods that continually clean out your system so you are always detoxing.  This leads to regular bowl movements and therefore all the other benefits I've listed.  After all, the gut is referred to as the second brain because it affects all other aspects of the body.  If your digestive system is clean, it can function at it's peak and promote your overall health and beauty!

These are the real results I've felt in my own body since switching my diet.  There are many other people with different issues that have been solved as well.  I personally do not struggle with weight, but so many of the people who follow this lifestyle have lost weight and kept it off.  You can check out testimonials on Kimberly's website for more examples this.  Give it a try and see how good you can feel!

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